Company Information

Business name Watt´s S.A.
Fantasy Name Watt´s
Trade Name Watt´s
Legal Address Avda. Presidente Jorge Alessandri R. N° 10.501, Santiago.
Company ID Number 84.356.800-9
Type of Business Publicly traded
Registration in the National Securities Registry Registered with a date of Marcha 2, 2012, number 1093.
Establishment of the Company In Santiago by public deed dated April 30, 1976, before the notary Jaime Morandé Orrego, transformed into a corporation by public deed dated September 7, 2010, before Notary Ivan Torrealba Acevedo.
Commerce Registration Registered in the Registro de Comercio del Conservador de Bienes Raíces of Santiago, on page 3,347 1,937 1976 number.
Official Newspaper Publication Extract May 17, 1976
Head Office Address Avda. Presidente Jorge Alessandri R. N° 10.501 - Santiago. Phone: (56-2) 2441 40 00 Fax: (56-2) 2441 40 01
General Management Address San Sebastián N° 2939 Level 14 - Las Condes Phone: (56-2) 2441 40 50 Fax: (56-2) 2450 40 51
Corporate Web Site
Home 14.271 Correo  21, Santiago
External Auditors KPMG Auditores Consultores Ltda.